Hannah Davies @HANNAHDAVIESGOLF is globally famous as a golf content creator, a PGA Professional, and an all-round adventurous spirit. Find out how she got started, and who inspired her to pick up a set of golf clubs.

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Hannah's Story

Hannah Davies has always gone beyond boundaries to pursue her goals. Discover how Hannah’s adventurous spirit gives her the freedom to explore, however or wherever she chooses.

Of the game

Golf was the last sport she tried when she decided to join her keen-golfing Grandad at the driving range. As she recalls, after her first shot flew past the 50 yards sign, she immediately fell in love with the sport. Her next shots were terrible, but that one good shot made her return for that buzz. Her adventurous spirit drives her to step out of her comfort zone, where she believes personal growth occurs.


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Going beyond


Her adventurous spirit pushes her to go for everything, but it’s perhaps her determination to encourage her golfing community to have that same mindset – and learn to love golf as much as she does – that really shines through.

As she says: “I’ve never really had a set plan with my golfing journey… becoming a PGA Professional was a massive achievement and when I started creating content, I just loved the exposure. Encouraging others to get into golf and helping them on their journey brought a real sense of satisfaction. What I want to achieve with my golfing community is to show that golf is fun, cool, and accessible! The old stereotypes are definitely breaking down, in the last 10 years the average age of golf has come down and you see more woman and kids playing, so I do feel like it’s moving forward at a rapid pace and I’m excited to see where it goes!”

"My journey into golf was inspired by my Grandad, he played every week, I played every other sport, then one day I decided to give golf a go. I fell in love with the sport immediately after hitting my first shot. My adventurous spirit pushes me to just go for everything and I want to encourage my golfing community to do the same, and to learn how to love golf as much as I do."

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Hannah's Serve

The Game Changer

For Hannah Davies, she’s already achieved her lifetime ambition of being a PGA Tour Professional – but now her aim is to encourage as many people as possible to experience the great game – and to have lots of fun along the way. Created by Hannah to celebrate the AIG Women’s Open and Hannah’s zest for golf, the Game Changer encapsulates her goal of inspiring everyone to play golf.



In a shaker, muddle together a lemon wedge, 4 sprigs of mint and 2 slices of fresh ginger. Add Ben Lomond The Open Special Edition Gin, elderflower cordial, pressed apple juice and ice, then shake for 10 seconds. Strain over cubed ice into a rocks glass, then top with sparkling lemon soda and garnish with an apple slice and mint sprig.

Buy the gin
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Danny Campbell

Architect, Founder of Hoko Design & Presenter on BBC Scotland's Home of the Year